Reiki for People

Reiki energy healing is so powerful when given to people. There are three methods of energy that are offered. I can offer physical healing, emotional healing, and distance healing.

As a Reiki Master, I am able to work with people with a direct hands-on approach or I am able to send Reiki energy healing to people from a distance. Not only am I able to help a person physically or emotionally, I am able to send Reiki energy ahead for a situation or meeting that is upcoming. This type of healing energy is awesome to assist you when you are stressed about an upcoming meeting or interaction that you could use a little support. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that Reiki is waiting for you when you enter the concerning situation.

I am able to send Reiki ahead to locations for you as well, such as concern for a trip, a flight, a medical procedure, a sporting event that makes you nervous about your performance. I can send Reiki energy healing to plants, objects and more. There are no limits to Reiki energy healing. Reiki energy brings about the greatest good for the person, animal or situation. I cannot control the exact outcome, but I can ask for your greatest good to be directed to you. Reiki is only positive energy.